Friday, July 18, 2014

Day 5 & 6 -- Cardio & lifting

Sorry I'm late here!! I just kind of forgot. Let me tell you though, that living a certain way that "differs" from the norm (ie. eating anything you want when you want) is something that others cannot wrap their head around! With the clutch cut I have to eat every three hours ... on the dot. So, yesterday I took my almonds with me to mini-golf because I knew I wouldn't be home in time for  my three hour meal time. I got ridiculed for the fact that my almonds were the base of my meal! What this guy didn't bother to ask me was what else I had eaten that day. I specifically designed this day knowing I'd need a fast, quick on the go meal and almonds provided me with the remaining fat, carbs, and protein I needed for the day. I stocked up my other meals earlier in the day. Truth be told, when it came to eating time, I wasn't even hungry! I know I'm getting the nutrients I need for this according to the clutch cut plan, but people don't always understand your lifestyle. You have to hold strong and believe in yourself!

With all that being said, I've woke up tired yesterday and today looking for excuses to not get out of bed at 8 am. But if I don't get up then, I won't have the same routine of eating times. So I get up and get started anyways because we grow outside of our comfort zones. :) I'm anxious to see where my progress is going but I don't want to set foot on a scale because I'm afraid it will hinder my intensity since I'm following the program as close as possible. If I don't see what I think I should see I might be more likely to give into those excuses. So no measuring or anything until day 21!

Cardio was yesterday. It was pretty rough. Got my sweat on! I have to give myself a minute break at the halfway point and then I break up my sprints when I'm super exhausted with a 30 second break (usually the last three sprints & then I have to decrease speed by about .5 because my all out is running out!!). I DO finish the workout because that's what is going to get me where I want to be. Finishing. It may not be exactly according to plan, but I'm getting it done the best way that I can!

Today was lifting. I wanted to try to do four rounds of it, but I only did 3. Why? Because by the third round I would have to rest at about rep 12 for a breath or two and then I would pump out 3 more. Why didn't I just stop at 12? Well, because if I can't do 15 for three rounds without pausing I don't have much business trying a fourth. As long as I am huffing and puffing and pushing myself past my comfort zone and NOT listening to my mind that says, "You're tired. You should stop now." then I can grow. Your mind will talk you out of exercise long before your body is ready to quit!

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