Saturday, August 2, 2014

21 Day Clutch Cut --- COMPLETE!!

So, I have successfully completed the Clutch Cut on designed by professional athlete Ashley Conrad.

Did I get the results I wanted? Not exactly.
Did I see progress? Absolutely.
Was it worth it? Definitely.

These are my results:

                    Starting                                  Final                           The Math

Weight:          153               Weight:           146.5                Dropped 6.5 pounds
Body Fat %:   25.2              Body Fat% :    24.8                Down .4% body fat
Chest:             37in              Chest:             35in                  Down 2 inches
Arms:             12in               Arms:             11.75in             Down 1/4 inches
Hips:              40.5in            Hips:               38.25in            Down 1.75 inches
Waist:            36.5in            Waist:             35.5in               Down 1 inch
Thighs:           21.5in            Thighs:            21in                  Down 1/2 inch
Calves:           14in               Calves:           13.5in               Down 1/2 inch
Forearms:        8in                Forearms:       8in                   No change
Shoulders:       44in              Shoulders:       41in                 Down 3 inches

That's a total of 6.5 pounds, .4% body fat, and 9 total inches gone from around my body!
I definitely peaked week 2. Start to finish weekly comparison pictures.
These other pictures only compare start day and end day.

Now some of you reading this will be mad and say that I didn't need to lose weight or anything to begin with. Your opinion is just fine. However, I wanted to do this because I want to have a better physique. I wanted to feel strong and capable, and that's what I get when I enter and exit the gym. It transfers over to my entire life. Also, it has created a self-confidence that I haven't had before. With these programs on I am examining my body with new eyes. NO, I don't have the physique I desire, but truthfully I'm OKAY with that. Through exercise I have learned to look at my body in a new way. I am LOVING the things I notice about myself. I enjoy seeing my muscles grow and shape up. Its more about feeling better and loving myself as I am currently, but with this the result will end up with me being where I want to be physically. As Dana Linn Bailey says, "This is my canvas. This is my masterpiece."

Here is what I learned about myself (and others) over the last three weeks:

1. I still do not really like lemon water. It makes me feel like I'm drinking old, dirty water.
2. No matter how many people you tell you're doing a strict, clean-eating diet for whatever length of time they won't necessarily understand it. Some of them will actually try to derail you by telling you what they're eating, making foods you love but currently have to avoid, or, in some cases, shoving the food right up to your face and tempting you with a small bite.
3. When I run, I'm more likely NOT to give up when I know the end is near. Actually, during a run I will push myself HARDER when the end is near. Go out with a bang if you will. With this, I wanted to give up the diet during this past week BECAUSE the end was near. My thoughts started turning to, "well its over in 3 days. You can cheat." However, I didn't give in.
4. I learned that I'm able to push out more reps/sets than I think. My MIND stops me.
5. There is a difference between tired and burned out. Also, pushing through soreness and legitimate pain.

The diet & workouts & not getting to where I "desired" to be.

Okay, so I'm not going to lie. I'm a little disappointed that I didn't make as much progress as I wanted. Lo and behold I really only have myself to blame. Here is why:

1. I made up excuses on why I didn't want to go another round of the circuit. I really got tired of the same lift during the last week of the program. I could have definitely, probably done at least one more round with 12 reps minimum of each exercise.
2. I didn't have a personal trainer to call me out on that.
This last point I'm gonna argue by simply saying that this may be true or may not be (Its my own thoughts)
3. This program shreds celebrities down like no other in 3 weeks, but they also have the actual access to Ashley training them, and they are probably already in a low body fat range coming off of a previous movie. At least, a lower body fat range than I was.

Am I disappointed by my lack of fat loss? Not really.
This program was more or less a test of CAN I follow a strict diet plan? Especially if I would like to someday compete in a fitness show. The answer is now --- yes. I can. I did what I wanted.

1 comment:

  1. i think your progress was amazing!
    I honestly see some peek-a-boo abs in your after pics!
